My 3D Printing Adventure Thus Far

This September was my birthday and using some of my birthday money, I bought myself an A1 Mini. A 3D printer marketed to people who want to get into the hobby. It's a very good beginner printer for a reasonable price. While I'm not sponsored, I highly reccomend this printer to anyone who wants to get into the hobby. Now that I've had this printer for a little over a month now, I wanna show you what I've printed thus far. (Atleast the notable stuff.) Keep in mind I haven't had the oppurtunity to buy paint yet.

Toy Motor Boat

The files for this boat and its motor came free with the printer. (What you get varies.) And yes, it floats

Cinnamon Rolls

These little cuties sit right beneath my TV next to my old graphics card.

Aaracokra Ranger

This was printed for my family D&D. He even has a flight stand to represent when he is flying!

Nuclear and Bullet Dice

This is a series of dice that I printed for Cyberpunk Red. This is not even all of them.

Dice Tower

Dual-Weilding Mini Mech

You can even swap out his armour and weapons. Very cool!

Cyberpunk Mask

It's a perfect fit! I wear it all the time!